Greetings to existing members and welcome to all new readers!
I?ve recently talked with several Thunderbird enthusiast plus many hours of web crawling to locate other Custom Thunderbird sites. I?ve realized the need to expose the registry to the Southwest Regional VTCI Facebook Group (Colorado, Nevada, California, Arizona and Hawaii) to include articles, photos and upcoming events for all Thunderbird readers. The Facebook Group will include articles and events for stock, modified and Custom Thunderbirds. So, open your Facebook page and search for the SW Region VTCI-Vintage Thunderbird Club. Then please join.
This Facebook Group is an open structure. What does that mean you ask? Simple, if you want the ability to share information then send me a request to join the group. Once accepted you are free to post photos, events both upcoming and past! Keep in mind bad language non-car events and political items will be removed! Oh yes! And if your event is not in the Southwest Region that?s fine!
Events, articles and photos of Custom/modified Thunderbirds
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