'61 Brake Booster Bad (follow up)!

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'61 Brake Booster Bad (follow up)!

Post by 62roadster »

So after having the '61 stop sign style booster rebuild for the 2nd time within a month by "bird nest", it's back on the car but with little change in braking power but seems to hold vacuum when the petal is pressed with the engine running, it didn't do that the 1st time it was rebuilt.

Now my question is, concerning the metal "T" fitting on the back of the booster, one end is connected to engine vacuum and the other is for an accessory which is plugged since not needed. When the engine is turned off after running for a minute or longer, I checked for vacuum at the plugged fitting and there was no vacuum at all. Engine vacuum line to booster is new so I don't suspect any leakage there.

I am under the impression that there should be vacuum stored in the booster after running the engine and "not" stepping on the petal at all, but there isn't.

Isn't there an internal "check valve" that should hold the vacuum or am I thinking about this wrong?,,,
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