more pictures

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more pictures

Post by TbirdIntender »

More pictures would spice up the forum and increase traffic, I think. Any idea that brings in more graphic interest would be good to pursue. Here are a few:

How about a section where members can post pictures of their cars? Lots of sites call this kind of thing the Garage. If there's enough bandwidth, maybe short videos could be allowed also.

And maybe another one called "Caught on the Wing" for pictures of Tbirds seen parked or on the road?

And maybe a place for links to interesting 'Birds for sale by third parties? The link to the vivid red '66 that I posted on January 23 in the For Sale section has a respectable 122 views in less than a month, I see. (The trouble with this kind of list is that the links decay and become inoperative when the cars sell, so it would probably be good if posts were set to automatically delete in 30 or 60 days.) If the members would keep posting new finds, it would be a dynamic section that would keep everybody coming back to see what's new.

Has anybody else got ideas for getting more pictures in?
1966 Town Hardtop in sapphire blue
VTCI #13000
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